Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tasty Great Waters Seasonal

Since this is only my second post, I'm sure most of you don't know that my favorite brewpub is Great Waters Brewing Company in Saint Paul. They serve great food and brew some tasty beer for you to wash it down with. Just this week, their seasonal Vulcanus Red and King Boreas Imperial Wit have made their return for the Saint Paul Winter Carnival. The King Boreas is one of my favorite seasonals from Great Waters. If you like belgian witbier, you'll love King Boreas. It's a big bold wit that is 8% ABV and served in a snifter. Here is the description from their website:

King Boreas Imperial Wit
Our Winter Carnival celebration ale. Big white beer with the traditional orange, coriander and lots of winter wheat.

Awesome! I need to get over to Great Waters soon and I recommend you do, too.


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