Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Flat Earth Element 115 Lager

Time for a beer session with another Minnesota brew. This time, I chose a 22 ounce bomber from Flat Earth Brewing. This beer is their Element 115 Lager, which the label claims is a California Common style. Listed ABV is 5.5%.

Flat Earth has some fun names and/or descriptions for their beer. Here's the description of Element 115 from their website:

"The name Element 115 comes from an undiscovered element on our periodic table. UFO experts claim that it is an essential component that allows UFOs to fly. The brew represents a truly unique American beer style known as California common. This San Francisco style lager is a deep amber color, full of malty goodness and assertively hopped for an exceptionally balanced and smooth beer. This brew marries the full malt character of ale with the smoothness of lager. This beer goes great with just about any food, but try it with your favorite entrée slathered in BBQ sauce or a spicy Asian dish. Serve cold, of course."

This description makes me wonder if this is an otherworldly beer! Let's find out, shall we?

I pour into my pilsner glass carefully, because this beer seems to generate a lot of head no matter how I pour. I end up with a 3-finger creamy off-white head. It takes a few moments to settle down, but when it does there is a nice 1/4 inch thick layer sitting on top like a velvet blanket. The body is clear copper with lovely sparkling carbonation. It's a pretty beer to look at, for sure.

In the aroma I detect some sourness, a bit of spicy hop, and a little fruit. There is a slight bit of caramel, but the sour smell dominates. Hmmm...

The taste is almost identical to the smell, so there's no surprises. There is a tangy, slightly sour flavor with some fruit and a hint of caramel. A nice hop bitterness comes on slow at the finish but lingers for a few seconds. The head is leaving some lacing on the inside of the glass.

Mouthfeel is good. There's a nice medium feel to the body and medium-high carbonation. It's clean and smooth going down.

This beer is very unique in my eyes. I not sure that this fits in the classic definition of the California Common style, but it seems to be made well. It's a bit surprising at first, but it definitely grew on me as I drank it. I would call this beer "interesting". It's definitely worth trying, but I don't think I would drink too many in one sitting.

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