Monday, February 1, 2010

Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter review

Welcome to the first of many beer reviews to come at Lupulin Libations!

For my first review, I chose Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter. This particular beer was a Christmas gift from my brother. Thanks for the tasty gift, Jake!

I poured this porter from a 1 pint, 2.7 ounce bottle into an imperial pint glass. There's no ABV listed on the bottle, but a little online research shows that it is 5%.

When poured, it has a coarse, 2 finger head that is light tan in color. The head falls fairly quickly to a thin layer on top. The body is very dark brown, nearly black, with hints of ruby when held near light. Looks pretty tasty to me!

I take a whiff and start analyzing the scent. The smell is very sweet, with hints of chocolate, caramel, and coffee. I think I even detect a smell similar to fresh raspberries. I'm ready for a taste!

The sweetness of the aroma is somewhat misleading, as the first taste is that of bitter chocolate. There is only a hint of coffee, but it is there. I also get a slight acidic twang that contributes to the beer's dryness.

In the mouth, this porter has a mild carbonation level that helps it on its way to being so creamy and smooth. This beer is not as heavy as it looks, but it is far from being watery or thin. It is quite pleasant and easy-drinking.

This is an excellent porter. It is very true-to-style and quite easy to drink. It would be a great session beer for malty beer fans as it is not too heavy or high in alcohol. I know I could probably knock down a couple more bottles if I had some right now! I imagine that it could be tasty paired with a mild cheese like brie or fresh mozzarella. I'll have to give that a try one of these days.

I would definitely recommend this beer if you're a fan of porters and brown ales. If you're not a fan of those styles, I still recommend it! What can you lose by giving something new a shot, right? Go ahead and give it a try!

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