Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yet another brewery starting MN distribution

Wow. As Minnesota craft beer drinkers, we have to be happy about all the new beers we have the opportunity to try lately. It seems like every time I turn around, we're getting some new brews. This week, yet another brewery has started distribution to our thirsty state: Great Lakes Brewing Company.

Great Lakes Brewing is a highly regarded brewery located in Cleveland, Ohio. It was founded in 1988 by 2 brothers, Patrick and Daniel Conway. They currently have 5 year-round and 8 seasonal beers, the majority of which are multiple award winners. I know in Minnesota we will have access to the year-round brews, which are: Burning River Pale Ale, Commodore Perry IPA, Dortmunder Gold Lager, Edmund Fitzgerald Porter, and Eliot Ness Amber Lager. I'm assuming that if those do well here, we will also start to see some of their seasonals arrive.

If you're interested in learning more about the brewery and/or their beers, click here. I'm excited to see so many new beers arriving in our state. Keep on drinking tasty craft beer; the brewers are starting to notice our affinity for it. Also don't forget to keep supporting our local MN brewers. They work hard to make tasty beverages for us, and I am proud to drink them.

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