Monday, June 21, 2010

Beer Aromas & Sinus Congestion

Well, it finally happened. After writing this blog since January, I've gotten a cold. I knew I would eventually get sick, and that I would have to halt my sessions until my sinuses get back to normal. After all, I can't relay my beer observations accurately with my sense of smell impaired.

Aromas are a very large part of how we perceive taste. When you were a kid, did you ever plug your nose before eating or drinking something that you didn't like? You did that because it erased a large part of the taste, which made it easier to swallow those flavors you didn't enjoy. The same thing happens when you get congested from allergies or a cold. It's out of your control, but food and drink can definitely become less flavorful in these situations.

When I sit down for a beer session, I want to convey my whole experience to you. The sights, smells, tastes, and feel of the beer are all very important. Since I don't want to risk missing some important nuances, I'll have to wait until the passageways are clear. Hopefully that will be soon, because I really enjoy my beer sessions!

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