Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Great Waters MBA party

Great Waters Brewing has a membership program called MBA (Masters of Beer Appreciation). They limit the number of members, which is nice because it gives the club a more exclusive feel and keeps the MBA events smaller and more relaxed. There are various benefits like happy hour prices any time, rewards after a certain number of visits, a free birthday meal, etc. I am a member myself and last night I was able to partake in one of the largest benefits: the yearly MBA member party.

The party started at 5:30. Two friends and myself went there straight after work. The food came in the form of a nice little buffet of appetizers. The beer was of course from the Great Waters selection of tasty brews. The beautiful part was that everything was free for MBA members all night. Another big bonus was the tapping of a special firkin of Belgian Dubbel at 6:00. Wow, that was a tasty beer (and quite strong at 10% ABV). We were able to mingle with other MBA members, tour the brewhouse, and talk to the head and assistant brewers.

At the end of the evening, my friend's wife was kind enough to pick us up and take us home. Man, that was a good night. Now I can't wait for the next MBA party!

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