Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Next Batch of Homebrew...

Now that we're into some hot weather here in Minnesota, I'm feeling the urge to make another batch of homebrew. I want to brew something that will be thirst-quenching and also have a lot of flavor. I had it narrowed down to 2 styles: hefeweizen and saison.

Those of you who have been reading this blog with regularity will probably know that I really enjoy saisons. I'm pretty sure I will end up brewing this tasty Belgian style, but not just for that reason. I'm also excited to utilize the temperatures that mother nature is conveniently giving me right now. Saisons are typically brewed at high ale temperatures that are often too warm for other styles. As long as summer stays warm, I should have some good success.

Now I just have to decide upon a recipe. I have a clone recipe for Saison Dupont, and I'm really excited to try it. I might also look to see what the local homebrew shops have to offer. Decisions, decisions...

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