Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In early June, I posted some information on the next recipe in the Summit Unchained Series. Now, Summit has listed some more specific info and release events for Batch 4:

Unchained Series 04: Belgian Style Golden Ale

Brewer Eric Harper is releasing his Unchained beer the week of July 19! In his own words:

Light golden in color, pours effervescent with a thick, rocky head. The aromas of fruity esters produced by our Belgian yeast strain dominate, while a subtle spiciness from the Czech Saaz and Styrian Golding hops linger in the background. Brewed with 100% Belgian Malt and tons (literally) of Belgian Candi Sugar, the body was lightened, and the alcohol increased. The end result is a sublime drinking experience!

We have a number of release events planned that week and beyond:

Monday, July 19: Golden Ale on tap at 3 Squares in Maple Grove, The Longfellow Grill, and Groveland Tap.
Tuesday, July 20: All week long, all Punch Pizza locations will be featuring the Golden Ale on tap. Harper will be visiting their Grand Ave on the 20th from 4-6pm.
Wednesday, July 21: Harper will be at Grumpy’s NE at 4:30pm, Golden Ale pints $3
Thursday, July 22: Join Harper and crew at Sweeney’s in St. Paul at 6pm
Thursday, July 29: Harper and Rudolphs from 6-8pm. All Summit pints $2!
Friday, August 6: Golden Ale firkin lunch at Grumpy’s on Washington. This will be our first Unchained Series beer to go into a cask. Join us for triple fermented goodness!

Malts: 100 % Belgian Pilsen Malt
Kettle Additions: Czech Saaz and Styrian Golding Hops, Belgian Candi Sugar
OG: 18.5° Plato
IBU: 30
ABV: 8.6%
Color: Golden
Yeast: Belgian Ale Yeast

I can't wait to try this delicious-sounding brew soon! Keep your eyes open for it in 2 weeks, and check out some of the events.

P.S. Don't forget to try the Unchained Series Batch 3 - IRA before it's all gone.

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