Friday, July 23, 2010

Schell's Zommerfest

When I think of summer seasonal beers in Minnesota, one that easily comes to mind is Zommerfest. This Kölsch-style brew has been one of Schell's warm weather options since Memorial Weekend of 1998. (The other being Schell's Hefeweizen.) Like a true German Kölsch, this one is meant to be light and crisp - good for hot summer days.

I poured samples of this beer at my last Coborn's tasting. It went over very well, with many people complimenting it's drinkablity and purchasing 6-packs for their 4th of July celebrations. In fact, it was the most popular of the 7 beers I sampled that day. It definitely deserves a session on my blog, so let's sit down with this one!

I pour the 12 ounce bottle into my mug. I have to work hard to generate a 1/4" white head, which then quickly shrinks to a thin, patchy layer. The body is crystal clear and golden in color, with multiple streams of sparkling bubbles shooting to the top.

The aroma isn't strong, but it's pleasant. I smell some honey and doughy bread, along with a slight grassy hop character and a just touch of citrus.

After 2 sips, I can taste sweet bready malt with the same honey I could smell. Something is fruity in there - let me take a couple more sips. Do I detect a faint apple flavor? Then a building bitterness leads into a metallic tang at the finish.

The viscosity is definitely on the lighter side, but not at all watery. The carbonation is pleasant on my tongue and the liquid is very easy to swallow. After it travels down my throat, there is a dry feeling left in my mouth. No lacing presents itself on the glass.

Zommerfest is a very crisp and refreshing beer that is easy to drink. It starts malty sweet and ends dry and bitter, while remaining on the lighter side of those flavors. This is a well-balanced summer option that's likely to appeal to many craft beer newbies. It is tasty, simple, and straightforward. Give it a try next time you see it.

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