Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cool Upcoming Beer Sessions

I'm pretty excited, because my next 3 posts will be sessions with some beers that are difficult to acquire. Thanks to a very good friend, I was given the opportunity to sit down and taste the 3 brews currently produced by Westvleteren!

Westvleteren is one of seven remaining Trappist Abbeys that brew beer as a means of supporting themselves financially. You can buy beer produced by the other 6 fairly easily in the United States. However, Westvleteren will only sell their beer directly from the monastery, which is located in Belgium. If you want to buy some of this tasty stuff, you can pick some up on your next trip to Europe OR...

If you do a little searching, you can find it on online for very high prices.

In fact, I was telling my friend about these beers and how it's possible to acquire them on the internet. I told him that someday, when I have some extra money to burn, I was going to purchase one of those expensive 6-packs. He, in turn, immediately went on the web and bought one. I was never given the opportunity to be envious, because he told me I was going to taste them with him. I'm pretty sure I had a huge grin on my face after hearing that.

Why go through all the trouble to get these beers? Well, first of all, the monks take their work very seriously, and it shows in the quality of the products. Go onto Beeradvocate or Ratebeer and you'll see they are very highly rated. Not to mention that Beeradvocate lists the Westvleteren 12 as the #1 Top Beer on Planet Earth. My second reason? Because it is so hard to get, I really want it. You always want what you can't have, right? That applies to beer for me. Another good example of that is Samuel Adams Utopias. The price point is out of my reach right now, which makes it unattainable, and that causes me to desire it even more.

Last night, my friend and I sat down to taste all 3 beers. Keep watching the blog over the next week as I post our sessions with Westvleteren Blond, 8, and 12. I'll tell you this right now; they were all tasty.

Thanks Kurt, for sharing with me!

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