Friday, July 1, 2011

Lupulin Libations is in the news!

Today I am happy to report some exciting news (at least for me). Lupulin Libations is in this week's edition of the Hastings Star Gazette!

Apparently, Chad Richardson (of the Hastings Star Gazette) had come across my blog not too long ago. He contacted me by email soon after. I was pleased when he told me it is very well written and asked me to join their parent company's AreaVoices blog domain. I eagerly agreed and now maintain 2 Lupulin Libations blogs. The newest ( has become a featured blog on the websites of multiple newspapers in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin.

That was all very cool, but I was even more excited when he asked me to do an interview for the local paper. We did some questions and answers over the phone a couple weeks ago, but couldn't coordinate pictures until this past Monday. We met at RJ's Tavern (always my first choice in Hastings for good beer), and he snapped a couple shots as I sipped on an Arrogant Bastard while wearing my prized Summit Brewing shirt. Then I received confirmation Thursday that the article was printed in this week's paper.

On my way home yesterday, I stopped at a gas station to pick up a copy of the paper. Sure enough, there was a blurb on the front page that said "A Resident Beer Taster." When I paged through to find the article, I was amazed that Lupulin Libations had the whole front page of their Et Cetera section. Last night, I decided I had to celebrate. I did so with some Tripel Karmeliet and Ommegang Hennepin. That's not surprising at all, is it?

If you want to check out the article, click here. That will take you to the Hastings Star Gazette website.

I want to thank all my readers. As long as you keep reading, I want to keep blogging.


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