Monday, October 17, 2011

Vanberg & DeWulf Coast to Coast Toast

Before I get to the Vanberg & DeWulf announcement, I'd like to apologize. Last week, I posted info about a Coborn's tasting I had scheduled for Friday the 14th. Unfortunately, that tasting never happened. While in transit to the Hastings Coborn's, the tensioner pulley in my car decided to explode into pieces. Of course, this led to multiple complications, including the cancellation of the beer tasting. Sorry to any of you that made the trip for the tasting, but arrived and found no tasty samples waiting...

OK, on to the announcement.

Vanberg & DeWulf (a Belgian beer importer whose founders also helped create Ommegang) occasionally sends me an email asking if I would help share some information with my readers. This past weekend, I received such a message. Check this out:

On 11.15.11 we are throwing what we believe will be the largest celebration of Belgian beer held on one day in the USA in this century. No kidding.  Hundreds of bars, restaurants and stores - the places that have made beer culture in America so stupendous - are hosting Coast to Coast Toasts to mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of our company. Thirty of our beers from independent family run breweries will be the stars of the show (Saison Dupont, Scaldis, Lambrucha, Witkap anyone?).

Learn more about the whys and wherefores of the event and participating establishments at: 

Know of a place that absolutely has to be a part of the celebration?  Drop us a line at, send them a link, and we will be sure to reach out.

To learn more about the Toast as the date gets closer, follow us on Twitter and check out our Facebook Page.  We have some really big news breaking in another week. To benefit from it you will want to get yourself signed up on Untappd.

Please help us spread the word in your community. 

All the best and many thanks, 
Wendy Littlefield  & Don Feinberg, Co-Founders 

If you love Belgian beer, do your best to help celebrate the Coast to Coast Toast. I know I will!

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