Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Possible New Local Brews on the Horizon

Recently, I found myself in some very good craft beer company. Amongst a couple other beer geeks like myself, I was able to chat with two of our local brewers. The conversations were great and, of course, eventually led to me asking about what future beers they have coming down the line.

Joe Pond is the man behind Olvalde Farm and Brewing Company. He already brews what may be my favorite Minnesota beer (at the moment), The Auroch's Horn. His first winter seasonal, Ode to a Russian Shipwright, has done very well. He mentioned two future beers he has planned, and they sound great: 1 - a sahti, an old beer style traditionally brewed with juniper branches, and 2 - The Auroch's Horn with rhubarb. Sign me up for both...

Dan Stavig, one of the brewers from Brau Brothers, was the other craftsman I visited with. I did a tour of the Brau brewery this past spring and had a great time. They're some great guys making some quality beer, and I've really enjoyed watching their success. Dan mentioned an upcoming beer that sounds very exciting: a ryewine aged in rye whiskey barrels. Mmm, double the rye, making my mouth water...

I can't wait for these beers to hit the market, and it's hard to contain my beer geek excitement. That's why I wanted to share this with all of you. I hope you're anticipating them as much as I am.

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