Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beer (Not So) Brief #21 - Samuel Adams IPA Hop-ology

This Beer Brief will be a little different than all past incarnations. I picked up the Samuel Adams IPA Hop-ology 12-pack not too long ago, and I decided it would be fun to do a single post breaking down each of these unique IPAs. I will be skipping Latitude 48 (as I have analyzed that beer before), so that leaves 5 brews for what I'm calling the "Beer (Not So) Brief". Now, on with the beer!

Brewery (for all 5 beers) - Boston Beer Company, Boston, Massachusetts

Beer - Whitewater IPA
Style - Wheat IPA brewed with orange peel and coriander
ABV - 5.8%
IBU - 60
Color - Lightest of the 5, pale yellow body with an off-white head
Aroma - Honey, citrus, herbal spice, hint of bread dough
Flavor - Caramel, herbal and earthy hops, aggressive bitter finish

Beer - Grumpy Monk
Style - Belgian IPA
ABV - 5.7%
IBU - 55
Color - Between yellow and copper with an off-white head
Aroma - Cloves, peppery spice
Flavor - Honey, stone fruit, spice, earthy bitterness

Beer - Tasman Red
Style - Red IPA brewed with Tasmanian hops
ABV - 6.5%
IBU - 60
Color - Red with a light tan head
Aroma - Caramel, slight citrus, bread
Flavor - Brown sugar, butterscotch, toffee, cherry, background grapefruit, and spicy bitter finish

Beer - Dark Depths
Style - Baltic IPA (Baltic porter crossed with an IPA)
ABV - 7.6%
IBU - 55
Color - Darkest of the 5, ruby brown body with a light tan head
Aroma - Sweet bread, black licorice, herbal notes
Flavor - Chocolate, bit of roastiness, toffee, bitter but clean finish

Beer - Third Voyage
Style - Double IPA brewed with Cascade hops from multiple growing regions worldwide
ABV - 8%
IBU - 80
Color - Copper with an off-white head
Aroma - Honey, pine, citrus, maybe even some parsley
Flavor - Caramel, honey, grapefruit, strong bitterness to balance out the sweet malt

Verdict - These 5 beers are all tasty and I highly recommend trying them all. After drinking all of them, I'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite. However, here's my ranking based upon my tastebuds at this moment:

1 - Grumpy Monk
2 - Third Voyage
3 - Whitewater IPA
4 - Dark Depths
5 - Tasman Red

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