Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beer Brief #23 - SYX

Brewery - Surly Brewing Company, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota

Beer - SYX
Style - American Strong Ale aged on 6 different species of wood: apple, cherry, ash, hickory, hard & soft maple
ABV - 15%
Color - Copper body with an off-white head
Aroma - Honey, toffee, apple, alcohol
Flavor - Brief sweet malt, light fruit juice, touch of spice, unique bitterness, hot alcohol, and a very dry finish
Verdict - Hmmm. This is probably my least favorite of the Surly anniversary beers, at least at this point. The alcohol is very hot and the bitterness is slightly unpleasant combined with that booziness. I'm glad I purchased 2 bottles, because I really want to see how this one develops with age. I'm guessing the alcohol burn will tame down and some more subtle flavors will begin to emerge. I'll be very excited to try it again in a year.

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