Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beer Brief #26 - Barrel Aged Belgian Style Quad Ale

Brewery - Brau Brothers Brewing Company, Lucan, Minnesota

Beer - Barrel Aged Belgian Style Quad Ale
Style - Quadrupel aged in Templeton Rye Whiskey barrels
ABV - 11.5%

Color - Somewhere between brown and red with a light tan head
Aroma - Caramel, chocolate, cherries, whiskey, oaky spice, potent alcohol
Flavor - Mild cocoa, vanilla, toffee, tutti frutti bubble gum, honey, whiskey, alcohol
Verdict - Holy complex beer, Batman! But, in a totally great way. I had to sniff and sniff and sniff to pick up a different and specifically distinctive aromas each time. Then, I had to sip and sip and sip to pick out all the unique flavors. I love beers that make me work and think hard. This is a definite winner in my book!

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