Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beer Brief #47 - L.S.D. Honey Ale

Brewery - Indeed Brewing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Beer - L.S.D. Honey Ale

Style - Fruit beer made with lavender, sunflower honey, and dates

ABV - 7.2%

IBU - 20

Color - Hazy copper with an off white head

Aroma - Honey, lavender is powerful and dominates, touch of molasses?

Flavor - Sweet malt, flowers (lavender), light but fitting date flavor, spicy hops, mild bitterness

Verdict - This is my second time drinking this brew, and I love it just as much as I remember. The lavender is powerful, yet meshes so well with the other flavors that the level of floral character seems perfect. I've never had another beer like it.

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