Thursday, January 23, 2014

Beer Brief #55 - 120 Minute IPA

Brewery - Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Milton, Delaware

Beer - 120 Minute IPA

Style - (super huge) Imperial IPA

ABV - Anywhere from 15-20% according to the website

Color - Hazy reddish copper with an off-white head

Aroma - Biscuit and caramel malt, brown sugar, green resiny herbal and spicy hops, surprisingly slight alcohol

Flavor - Big rich malt profile, caramel, toffee, a bit of toasted bread, chewy resiny hops, a bit of grapefruit, maybe a hint of mint leaves, semi-sweet wine, alcohol (although not in the levels you might expect for a beer this big), bitterness that struggles to balance the sweetness of the brew

Verdict - This beer does not drink at all like it's ABV would imply. This is a big, rich, sweet brew that obviously used a lot of hops, but not enough to overpower the malt bill and the alcohol. It drinks somewhere between the qualities of a English barleywine and an American barleywine, but with much higher alcohol. Although, you'd be hard pressed to guess that it's ABV is any higher than 10-12 percent. I am really enjoying this, and I think it would make a great after-dinner brew to share with a good friend.

P.S. - I've always wanted to try this beer, but have never been able to get my hands on a bottle of it. (It doesn't help that Dogfish Head doesn't distribute to Minnesota.) I was finally fortunate enough to try this big brew thanks to some friends of mine. I recently saw them when they were up for a visit from Texas and they gave me this very special brew as a birthday gift. Thanks for the tasty experience, Reid and Brenda!

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